Silt fences are often perimeter controls, typically used in combination with sediment basins and sediment traps, as well as erosion controls, which are designed to retain sediment in place where soil is being disturbed by construction processes (i.e., land grading and earthworks).  We offer silt fencing with wood stakes and wire backed.

wire backed silt fence

Wire Backed Silt Fence has filter fabric attached to wire mesh for added support.  The most common silt fence fabric is 70 gram and 100 gram and the wire is usually 14 gauge or 12.5 gauge wire with a 2"x4" or 4"x4" opening size.  Most commons roll sizes are 24"x100' and 36"x100', but some states and DOTs require special sizes.  Metal Erosion Posts are usually used to hold wire back silt fence up.

Silt fence with wood stakes

Silt Fence w/ Wood Stakes is woven filter fabric that is attached to wood stakes for quick and easy installation.  It is available in a variety of configurations depending on the job, state and/or DOT.  Usually there are 11 wooden stakes per 100' roll.